Obligations on All Legal and Natural Persons to Implement Targeted Financial Sanctions.
On 12th May, 2022, President Muhammadu Buhari passed the Terrorism (Prevention and Prohibition)
Act, 2022 (TPPA) into law and on the same day, the Attorney-General of the Federation issued a
Regulation for the Implementation of Targeted Financial Sanctions Related to Terrorism,
Terrorism Financing and Other Related Matters, 2022.
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Nigeria being a member of the United Nations and in pursuit of its commitment to international peace and security as enunciated under the Charter of the United Nations has enacted the Terrorism (Prevention and Prohibition) Act, 2022 which established the Nigeria Sanctions Committee as the national body responsible for the implementation United Nations Security Council Resolutions (“UNSCRs”) on Targeted Financial Sanctions. Read more...
Countries should establish a financial intelligence unit (FIU) that serves as a national centre for the receipt and analysis of: (a) suspicious transaction reports; and (b) other information relevant to money laundering, associated predicate offences and terrorist financing, and for the dissemination of the results of that analysis.”
AML/CFT Standard Setters

"The scope of Mutual Evaluations is to assess whether the necessary laws, regulations or other measures required under the essential criteria are in force and effect, that there has been a full and proper implementation of all the necessary measures, and that the AML/CFT system as implemented is effective.”
FATF West Africa Styled Regional Body

FATF"The FIU should be able to obtain additional information from reporting entities, and should have access on a timely basis to the financial, administrative and law enforcement information that it requires to undertake its functions properly.”
AML/CFT Standard Setters

GIABA"The evaluated country is rated depending on the efficacy of measures put in place to detect, prevent or sanction cases of money laundering and terrorist financing. A report is issued after completion of the mutual evaluation. It is then discussed and adopted at GIABA Plenary.”
FATF West Africa Styled Regional Body